Monday, March 15, 2010

Signs of Spring


With the beginning of Daylight Saving, the end of Spring Break, Club Volleyball in it's final weeks, this can only mean one thing. Winter is going to end! Spring will come again!

I'll try to get some OPEN GYM scheduled soon so we can all get in the gym and play a little volleyball. There are a lot of spring sports starting up, and they all use the gym until the weather improves so be patient.

Once spring really gets here and school wraps up we will be doing our SUMMER SESSION. Some of you participated in this last summer and others may want to think about it this year. It is open to all high school aged girls (entering 9th grade - 12th grade). I'll have Jayme post the informational page on the Palmer Volleyball Blog. The basic information is - we meet once a week all summer long beginning the last week of May. We miss a couple days here and there for gym maintenance etc. but it's a good chance to get lots and lots of reps in over the summer. Since it goes the entire summer it is not uncommon for people to miss a couple meetings because of vacations or family events. We have kept the cost on the low side to hopefully keep it affordable and well worth the money. Cost is $125 this year. The schedule is not set yet but you can expect to get 7-9 sessions over the course of the summer.

The team I've had for the club season has been WONDERFUL ! I have really enjoyed spending time with - of course my Palmer girls MM, JA, DP, and NC , but also with SI and LM from Colony. A little farther across town my new fav's from Wasilla ST, AC, RS, and KP Technically two of those are Tech School girls. Thanks for a fun club season so far. There are two weeks left, one final test, and a final tournament.
