Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Steve Checkz In

Hey Everyone!

I hope you are all doing well. I haven't written anything for awhile because I've been enjoying my yearly watching of the Tour De France on TV. I love that race! Three weeks of cycling 100+ miles a day, or thereabout. Those guys are amazing athletes. Well, it's over now so it's back to getting ready for the upcoming volleyball season.

NC how are things in Illinois? Are you surviving the heat and humidity? I hope so.

Yo! Southy - how is the ankle?

I guess everyone is still gone on vacation? KS, SS, CG hm who else? I know JA and BA just came back from way down south. I'm sure you wil be glad to get back here and cool off again.

See a bunch of you Wednesday, and don't forget open gym on Wednesday and Friday of the following week that's the 4th and 6th of August. Tryouts the 9th, 10th, and 11th of August Freshmen and Sophomores 2-4 pm Juniors and Seniors 4-6 pm


1 comment:

  1. Hey Steve! BYU Camp is over and done with, I had so much fun! And I think I made a lot of improvements. I didn't get to go to the same one as KS and SS, they went the week before I did. But I did have a chance to see them while they were here! I come home on saturday just in time for tryouts next week. I can't wait! I will make sure to get a physical before tryouts so I'll be good to go. I can't believe summer is almost over! =( Can't wait to see you Coach!
